

"Only the best hand-selected raw stones make it through HSIN FU's door ." This motto comes from a raw stone appraiser with 35 years experience These simple words stand for the tradition of quality that our company has firmly insisted upon ever since we were established.
Our firm was established in 1965. Navigating the changing global economy, and the rise and fall in trends regarding stone materials, we continue to be a lighthouse in this tumultuous sea of speculation. For us, these is no other way to operate. We shall hold steadfast, adamant, perhaps the embodiment of our very market-Rock Solid. We take "baby steps" in our quest for excellence, but remain level headed and amenable to you, our valued customer. From the material selection, processing, refinement, and installation of stone product; HSIN FU has insisted upon continuing a tradition of quality unsurpassed for the last 30 years. We feel that even the stones will be proud as long as they are in HSIN FU.